NTTs Set Date


The NTT website was just updated! A unanimous vote in the House of Delegates sets their strike date as 12:01am November 3rd.

As always, if you haven’t let these folks know how you feel, give them a call or send them an email:

Ms. Misty Whittington
Executive Secretary of the Board
Office of the Southern Illinois University Board of Trustees
(618) 536-3357

Rita Cheng:
SIUC Chancellor
(618) 453-2341

Glenn Poshard:
SIU President
(618) 536-3357

In the News:
Civil Service union sets strike date [Daily Egyptian]
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Association sets strike date [Daily Egyptian]

Upcoming Events:
Monday October 24, 6-7pm, Student Center Ballroom C: GAU Open Meeting for a Bargaining Update and Setting a Strike Date
Thursday November 3rd, 12:01am: Strike Date for the Faculty Association, Association of Civil Service Employees, and Non-Tenure Track Faculty Association

November 3


As most of you probably know, the FA’s Department Rep Council voted to set the strike date on 12:01am November 3rd. Today, the ACsE executive committee voted to set their strike date as November 3rd as well. I’ll link up their official announcement when I have it. The NTT House of Delegates meets tonight (and I’ll post info from their meeting later tonight). GAU is having an open meeting on Monday about our strike date.

This is happening. I feel confident in saying that none of us in union leadership wanted bargaining to come to this point. That’s part of the reason this has gone on so long – we wanted to exhaust every option, wait for the economy to turn around, for the state to make it’s payments, or just for the university to find a pot of gold buried under a tree next to Anthony Hall. None of those things have happened. So now we need to take the next step – setting the date of a strike to get us the fair contract we deserve.

As always, if you haven’t let these folks know how you feel, give them a call or send them an email:

Ms. Misty Whittington
Executive Secretary of the Board
Office of the Southern Illinois University Board of Trustees
(618) 536-3357

Rita Cheng:
SIUC Chancellor
(618) 453-2341

Glenn Poshard:
SIU President
(618) 536-3357

Upcoming Events:
Monday October 24, 6-7pm, Student Center Ballroom C: GAU Open Meeting for a Bargaining Update and Setting a Strike Date

Setting the Date


Sorry about the lack of a post yesterday. I was feeling a little under the weather (which I blame on the bad weather) so I didn’t manage to get it done!

But there’s news today: Unions start talking strike date [The Southern]

Wee have to move forward. Voting to authorize a strike pushed us forward and gave us some movement — or at least real discussions at the tables — but the feeling is if we really want to finish this we need to take the next step. What’s the best way to get results? Putting a deadline.

I fully admit that part of the reason why the contract has been expired for 477 days without a new one is our fault. All four unions were hesitant to do what we knew we needed to do to get bargaining moving — organize toward a strike. So we dragged our heels, telling ourselves “Well, maybe the next meeting will be better.” But it’s been 477 days. 16 months since the contract expired — and about 19 months since we’ve been bargaining. The next meeting isn’t getting better and we’ve dragged our heels long enough. It’s time to get a fair contract closed for all four unions.

That’s what setting a date will do.

In other news, the IEA has a couple of announcements:
IEA urges lawmakers to evaluate pension bills before voting on them
IEA shows Civic Committee pension plan would have cost taxpayers $34 billion

The deadline for submitting nominations for IEA representative assembly delegates is also coming up. The RA is the policy-making body of the IEA which meets in March (I believe in 2012 it’ll be over SIUC’s spring break) for three days to vote on things like the IEA’s budget, our legislative platform, our dues, and other organizational matters. The nomination forms are due to the Carterville office on the 28th; you can get a copy of the form from the IEA office or your local president.

As always, if you haven’t let these folks know how you feel, give them a call or send them an email:

Ms. Misty Whittington
Executive Secretary of the Board
Office of the Southern Illinois University Board of Trustees
(618) 536-3357

Rita Cheng:
SIUC Chancellor
(618) 453-2341

Glenn Poshard:
SIU President
(618) 536-3357

Upcoming Events:
Monday October 24, 6-7pm, Student Center Ballroom C: GAU Open Meeting for a Bargaining Update and Setting a Strike Date

Competing Ideologies


The Southern has another news article on on the late payments from the state and SIU’s budget problems. It really feels like the administration is trying to emphasize “we’re poor” so they can continue not to negotiate with the unions for a fair contract. They either believe that we think this is all about the money or they are trying to confuse the issue. It’s not about the money — it is about the way we do our work, saving jobs, and having access to quality health care. For us, it is about standing up for a better SIUC and ensuring fairness through a good contract.

As always, if you haven’t let these folks know how you feel, give them a call or send them an email:

Ms. Misty Whittington
Executive Secretary of the Board
Office of the Southern Illinois University Board of Trustees
(618) 536-3357

Rita Cheng:
SIUC Chancellor
(618) 453-2341

Glenn Poshard:
SIU President
(618) 536-3357

Upcoming Events:
Wednesday October 19, Lt. Governor Sheila Simon at SIU, Lawson 161, 6:30-8:30

Seeing Movement


I went to Seattle last week and hoped to come back to all the problems fixed! Of course, as nice as that daydream was I came back to reality and entered bargaining on Friday.

But it seems like there has been movement. Reports I’m hearing from the other bargaining teams is that the tone of conversations at the table have changed. The same is true for GAU. Things are getting serious — and while none of us in the unions wanted to go so far to authorize a strike to do it — the administration is now taking this seriously, both in public (through the Chancellor’s unending emails) and more importantly at the table.

Pressure from the strike votes, pressure from the public presences at rallies and meetings, rising union membership — have made this happen. The hard work of volunteers organizing events, activists who show up and write letters and make phone calls, and all the people out there who want a real solution to the problems here will pay off and we will get a fair contract.

Speaking of showing up, I took pictures of the rally on Friday outside of Anthony Hall, prior to going into bargaining.

As always, if you haven’t let these folks know how you feel, give them a call or send them an email:

Ms. Misty Whittington
Executive Secretary of the Board
Office of the Southern Illinois University Board of Trustees
(618) 536-3357

Rita Cheng:
SIUC Chancellor
(618) 453-2341

Glenn Poshard:
SIU President
(618) 536-3357

Upcoming Events:
Wednesday October 19, Lt. Governor Sheila Simon at SIU, Lawson 161, 6:30-8:30

GAU Sponsored Rally


Here’s another opportunity to have your voice heard.  This one is sponsored by one of the unions.  In this case, the GAU.  Details below:


Calling on all Graduate Students, Faculty, SIUC Employees, Students, and Community Members.

Members of the GAU are asking that you attend a rally in front of Anthony Hall to chant “Set-tle” during the negotiations with the Administration. We welcome anyone that wants to save the semester to come and participate. Our graduate students have been with out a contract for nearly 470 days. It is time that we let the Administration know that we will not go on like this endlessly. Our membership is increasing daily because grad students know that the rhetoric has been very heated and the GAU offers protections that would not be there if it did not exist.

Please come and offer support.

Friday Oct. 14th from 1:30 to 4:00 in front of Anthony Hall.


Let’s hope there is movement at the negotiating table.  And let’s rally outside to show the campus support for settling on a good contract for all involved.  For the good of the university, for the good of all: FOUR FAIR CONTRACTS FOR ALL FOR UNIONS!

As always, if you haven’t let these folks know how you feel, give them a call or send them an email:

Ms. Misty Whittington
Executive Secretary of the Board
Office of the Southern Illinois University Board of Trustees
(618) 536-3357

Rita Cheng:
SIUC Chancellor
(618) 453-2341

Glenn Poshard:
SIU President
(618) 536-3357

Students Eager to be Heard


Not surprisingly, students at SIUC are eager to have a voice in the ongoing labor disputes.  While both the Administration and all four unions have tried not to involve students directly in these negotiations, these are clearly issues that impact and therefore concern students.  Below is a statement from a group of students organizing a rally to show their feelings about the operation of SIUC generally and the ongoing labor disputes specifically.

Let’s be perfectly clear, though: this is a student effort.  It is perhaps welcomed by each union, possibly supported by them, but not instigated by them.

The contents of the open letter are included below, but I also wanted to share the layout of the original flyer.  The creative energy and brainpower as well as the social engagement of our students are qualities to be cultivated and praised.  What a missed opportunity it was not to involve these kinds of students more directly in, for example, the re-branding efforts of the university.  There is a hunger at all levels of this university to be heard, to be respected, and to be an important part of determining who we are and how we do things.  Where our leaders have failed to hear their various employees, let us hope they hear the students.


Pro-union students are not pawns: An open letter to the SIU community

In multiple e-mails sent to students, student workers and graduate students on October 7, Chancellor Rita Cheng repeated two important falsehoods (among many other half-truths):

1)   Pro-union students are essentially being used as pawns by faculty and other campus workers.

2)   Students are not (and should not be) involved in the labor situation at SIUC.

By calling us pawns, Cheng has insulted every student at SIUC by asserting that we do not have the ability to think for ourselves, make our own decisions, and on our own come to the conclusion that campus unions deserve our support.

What Rita Cheng seems unable to understand is that education is not merely a commodity and students are not merely consumers.

By supporting the instructors and campus workers we are supporting our own personal interests—to insure that the quality of education at SIU is not undermined.

Many of us come from working-class families and know that many of the rights and resources we have enjoyed came from people organizing and defending unions.

We have not been threatened or coerced in any way by our instructors—contrary to the Chancellor’s repeated assertions—however the tone of Rita Cheng’s almost daily e-mails seem increasingly threatening.

As a group of students we came together independently to counter administration propaganda and organize solidarity with our instructors and campus workers. We copied and handed out factsheets and have called for a student demonstration. We did this of our own accord—regardless of what the Chancellor might say.

It is not the unions that have potentially forced us to choose between “participating in a strike” and our “continuing work/education,” it is the Chancellor’s hard-line position.

Her commitment to bring in scabs to teach courses in the event of a strike shows the contempt she has for both our teachers and for the quality of our education.

Cheng’s pleas of poverty are belied by official university reports that show SIU had surplus revenue in both FY 2009 and FY 2010.

All we can conclude is that our Chancellor sees our university as first and foremost a matter of profit mongering.

It is, in no small part, up to us as students to take a stand against the administration’s attempt to remake SIU into a for-profit corporate entity.

Join us on Wednesday, October 12 at 4:30pm outside Anthony Hall to peacefully protest the administration’s attack on our teachers, our fellow students, on campus workers, and on the quality and value of our education.

In Solidarity,

SIU Students Against University Cuts


And of course, if you can’t be there but you want your voice to be heard, you can always contact these folks:

Ms. Misty Whittington
Executive Secretary of the Board
Office of the Southern Illinois University Board of Trustees
(618) 536-3357

Rita Cheng:
SIUC Chancellor
(618) 453-2341

Glenn Poshard:
SIU President
(618) 536-3357


There’s another call to action around pension reform going out through the IEA as they gear up for what’s likely to be a very interesting veto session in a few weeks. You can read the flier that came through here.

Also from the IEA is a request to fill out a budget survey. This is one of your chances to let the big organization know where you’d like your dues dollars to go — so I urge IEA members to take the time!

The DE reports that recruitment hasn’t been hurt by the labor dispute, mostly because the recruiters haven’t actually been telling prospective students there’s a labor dispute. Seems like another tactic to show that the university is “business as usual.”

Frankly, the university hasn’t been running as “business as usual” since the university called an impasse in bargaining for ACsE, FA, and NTTFA and imposed their terms and conditions on those bargaining units. The only way to get the university back to “business as usual” — for real — is to settle the contracts.

Have you contacted the Board, the President, and the Chancellor yet?

Ms. Misty Whittington
Executive Secretary of the Board
Office of the Southern Illinois University Board of Trustees
(618) 536-3357

Rita Cheng:
SIUC Chancellor
(618) 453-2341

Glenn Poshard:
SIU President
(618) 536-3357

Upcoming Events:
SIUC Tuesday Work-ins (GAs + Allies)
Wednesday October 12, 4:30pm, Anthony Hall: PROTEST & PRESS CONFERENCE: Student Solidarity with Faculty, GAs & Staff

“A win for collective bargaining”


Now that I actually have time to write, congratulations to the NTTs on their vote last night. For a group that is very vulnerable — the university tried to lay off just under 100 NTTs (including most of the union bargaining team) in December — that kind of vote is a real statement: we’re tired of this. We’re tired of an administration that seems to want to quash any sort of real voice employees might have — it seems to want to get rid of the unions (or at least create “shop unions,” that are firmly under the heel of the administration, regardless of what the employees might want). Apparently, they don’t even want us to talk to the students and answer their questions in a way that sounds fairly uncontroversial, according to the DE’s article about the meeting.

Anita Stoner, the president of the NTTs, told me this new vote was a “win for collective bargaining” in her text to let me know the results last night. She’s right — the success of our four votes is a win for people who are tired of being imposed on, vetoed, or just plain pushed around. We’re pushing back and the administration is starting to feel the pressure; that’s why they’ve upped their amount of emails and scary rhetoric. The best counter for that is to stand together.

We can get want we want: fair contracts. But remember the votes are only the first step!

We’re also gaining activists every day. People who are not union leadership, people who are allies, they’re on our side. We’re not alone in this. I’ll post announcements of upcoming events as I see them, whether they’re “union organized” or otherwise. Keep an eye on the “upcoming events” section!

Completely unrelated to the labor situation here, I have a bit of an update on the performance funding that is both reassuring and worrying at once. This comes from Larry Frank, who is part of the IEA’s research group and sitting on the committee:

The discussions thus far have been very general in nature and we’ve yet to see any proposal for a specific metric. The discussions have centered on keeping the formula simple (though a number of people have suggested a bunch of metrics so we’ll see how that shakes out) and recognizing that one size does not fit all (and this has been around the missions of different kinds of schools). I’d suggest you go to the IBHE website and check out the Performance Funding site. Under the link for “schedule of meetings” you’ll find all the material the committee has seen to date.

What I think you’ll find is that no clear vision exists with regard to what the metrics will be or, in fact, what the goal of a performance funding formula is. If you can make sense of what’s posted, let me know! I really don’t see where this is headed and there seems to be little agreement within the group as to what we want to accomplish.

So, we won’t end up with a Higher Ed version of No Child Left Behind… but since this is supposed to roll out in January, the lack of cohesion or vision is a little disturbing. The IBHE website can be found here.

Finally, I will actually be in Seattle next week, so we will have a surprise guest blogger!

Have you contacted the Board, the President, and the Chancellor yet?

Ms. Misty Whittington
Executive Secretary of the Board
Office of the Southern Illinois University Board of Trustees
(618) 536-3357

Rita Cheng:
SIUC Chancellor
(618) 453-2341

Glenn Poshard:
SIU President
(618) 536-3357

In the News
NTTFA fourth union to authorize walkout [The Southern]
Four unions in contract negotiations authorize strike [Daily Egyptian]
Unions conduct info meeting for students [The Southern]

Upcoming Events:
SIUC Tuesday Work-ins (GAs + Allies)
Wednesday October 12, 4:30pm, Anthony Hall: PROTEST & PRESS CONFERENCE: Student Solidarity with Faculty, GAs & Staff

NTTFA Vote Results


The Non Tenure Track Faculty Association voted on a strike authorization today. Here are the results of their vote:

81 percent turnout and 83 percent yes!

Call them and tell them to settle our contracts:

Ms. Misty Whittington
Executive Secretary of the Board
Office of the Southern Illinois University Board of Trustees
(618) 536-3357

Rita Cheng:
SIUC Chancellor
(618) 453-2341

Glenn Poshard:
SIU President
(618) 536-3357

Upcoming Events:
Wednesday October 12, 4:30pm, Anthony Hall: PROTEST & PRESS CONFERENCE: Student Solidarity with Faculty, GAs & Staff